Sunday, March 27, 2005

a little math thing

Alright....setelah beberapa hari bergelut dengan sebuah siksaan bernama dispepsia, i'm glad to say that i'm free at last. And after an 8 coffee-less days, i finally have a cup of iced-creamed-coffee!! And by now i'm like a dog on heat :]
Oke okeh...tha caffeine really pumps me up dan sekarang kita mau main matematika. No kidding. We're going back few years to the class desks. This is gonna be a little hard, since i no longer deal with numbers these few years. Ok. Here we go!
Berdasarkan pengamatan gue selama beberapa waktu, i find that semua kendaraan roda empat berplat AB yang bernomor kendaraan 4 angka, pasti diawali dengan 7, 8, atau 9. Apapun alfabet belakangnya. So, berdasarkan pelajaran Barisan Matematika yang gue dapet dari P Sidhi selama kelas 1 SMu dulu, bisa kita perkirakan berapa jumlah variasi nomor kendaraan beroda 4 yang didaftarin di Kepolisian Daerah Jogja:

AB 1 X - AB 999 X = 999 x 26 = 25.974
[X is for the alphabets]
AB 1 XX - AB 999 XX = 999 x 26 x 26 = 675.324

AB 7000 X - AB 7999 X = 1000 x 26 = 26.000
AB 7000 XX - AB 7999 XX = 1000 x 26 x 26 = 676.000

AB 8000 X - AB 8999 X = 1000 x 26 = 26.000
AB 8000 XX - AB 8999 XX = 1000 x 26 x 26 = 676.000

AB 9000 X - AB 9999 X = 1000 x 26 = 26.000
AB 9000 XX - AB 9999 XX = 1000 x 26 x 26 = 676.000

---------------- +
And the grand total is = 2.807.298

Suppose that 4 millions people are living in Jogja, and half of them have cars, masih ada delapan ratus ribu sekian variasi nomor kendaraan. Wow! Anyone at Polda yang ngerancang penomoran kendaraannya must be smart. [finally, we've got something we can be proud of polisi Indonesia hahah]

Alright. Is that it? Are we just gonna play math today? Nope. All i'm trying to say is that even a simple (baca: sepele) lesson we've learned before might be useful someday. Like this simple thing Pak Sidi taught me, ternyata berguna juga 6 tahun kemudian. [I might would have forgotten him unless his daughter is my classmate). So I think we have to learn from every single simple thing, and cherish everything we've learned. That's it. Ishak. Out. [secara mas Seacrest nih...]

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